summertime广场舞 summertimemp3~从心理学的角度来分析,人的注意力是心理活动对一定对象的指向和集中,也就是说注意是受指向制约的,在广场舞翩翩起舞的过程中,其注意力必然都集中在欣赏优雅的舞曲音乐,并沿着节奏将内心情感抒发在舞姿上,由于注意的转移,就能使身体其他部分的机能得到调整和充分休息,所以参加广场舞这项运动能消除紧张的情绪和缓解压力,练习者在优美动听的音乐、美妙的舞姿中,消除疲劳、陶冶心灵,感受到愉快的情绪,从而达到最佳的心理状态。summertime广场舞,summertime广场舞视频~~~
《summertime》是由歌手GEORGE BENSON / Kenny G演唱的一首歌曲。
所属专辑:《The Essential Kenny G》
Do some people wind up with the one that they adore
in a heart-shaped hotel room it"s what a heart is for
the bubble floats so madly will it stay sky-high?
Hello partner, kiss your name bye-bye
ooh sometimes...
romantic piscean seeks angel in disguise
chinese-speaking girlfriend big brown eyes
liverpudlian lady, sophisticated male
hello partner, tell me love can"t fail
& it"s you and me in the summertime
we"ll be hand in hand down in the park
with a squeeze & a sigh & that twinkle in your eye
& all the sunshine banishes the dark
do some people wind up with the one that they abhor
in a distant hell-hole room, the third world war
but all I see is films where colourless despair
meant angry young men with immaculate hair
ooh sometimes...
Get up a voice inside says there"s no time for looking down
only a pound a word & you"re talking to the town
but how do you coin the phrase though that will set your soul apart
just to touch a lonely heart
& it"s you & me in the summertime
we"ll be hand down in the park
with a squeeze & a sigh & that twinkle in your eye
& all the sunshine banishes the dark
& it"s you I need in the summertime
as I turn my white skin red
two peas from the same pod yes we are
or have I read too much fiction?
Is this how it happens?
How does it happen?
Is this how it happens?
Now, right now