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    三青广场舞(To Be Number One广场舞mp3)


    三青广场舞(To Be Number One广场舞mp3)

    三青广场舞(To Be Number One广场舞mp3),自广场舞蹈产生以来自娱性是广场舞蹈的主要特征。民众在参与广场舞蹈时并不要求名利,完全是为了自娱。如正月十五闹红火,晨练时的广场舞,大部分都是民众自发性的表演。利用舞蹈来抒发情感的艺术,使舞者内在情感得以宣泄,产生精神振奋的愉悦感,同时观赏者也得到精神享受,这使舞者得到表现自我的机会,产生自我价值感。这就是决定广场舞自娱乐性的原因所在,也是自产生以来经久不衰的原因。

    《To Be Number One》是由歌手Giorgio Moroder演唱的一首歌曲。

    歌名:To Be Number One

    演唱:Giorgio Moroder




    To Be Number One歌词

    This is what we"ve worked for all our lives
    Reaching for the highest goal we can
    We choose to give it all
    When competition calls
    Time records the Victory in our hearts
    To win or lose is not the only thing
    It"s all in how we play the fairest game
    This is the chance we take
    Reaching for the top
    Time records the Victory in our hearts
    To be number one
    Running like the wind
    Playing hard but always playing fair
    (oh Year)
    To be number one
    Winning again and again
    Reaching higher
    Through Italian sky
    This is what we"ve worked for all our lives
    Shining like a shooting star at night
    We"ve got to give it all
    When we hear the call
    Time records the viictory in our hearts
    To be number one!

    最新宽屏健身操广场舞, 头发甩广场舞云裳, 藏族舞蹈幸福吉祥广场舞, 大妈恰恰舞广场舞, 广场舞减肥健身操投屏, 茉莉广场舞达令我爱你变队形, 小苹果十六步正背面分解广场舞, 程序员十六步广场舞, 三青广场舞(To Be Number One广场舞mp3)

    This is what we've worked for all our lives
    Reaching for the highest goal we can
    We choose to give it all
    When competition calls
    Time records the Victory in our hearts
    To win or lose is not the only thing
    It's all in how we play the fairest game
    This is the chance we take
    Reaching for the top
    Time records the Victory in our hearts
    To be number one
    Running like the wind
    Playing hard but always playing fair
    (oh Year)
    To be number one
    Winning again and again
    Reaching higher
    Through Italian sky
    This is what we've worked for all our lives
    Shining like a shooting star at night
    We've got to give it all
    When we hear the call
    Time records the viictory in our hearts
    To be number one!
    三青广场舞(To Be Number One广场舞mp3)是三青中的广场舞作品,三青的To Be Number One广场舞视频等你发现,三青广场舞(To Be Number One广场舞mp3)由广场舞地球人都知道我爱你精心整理。
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